Workplace Well-Being

The Cost Of Stress:

”An estimated 1 million workers are absent every day because of stress. Job stress is estimated to cost the US industry more than $300 billion in losses due to absenteeism, diminished productivity, and accidents”- The American Institute Of Stress

Create better team leaders, and more productivity in the workplace.

  • Workplace Well-Being

    This is our signature Workplace Well-Being offering at Nourish Mindful Events. This training is the Ferrari of meditation & Breathwork. It’s a 2-day training ideal for leaders and their employees looking for profound transformation, decreased stress, and increased performance.

  • Optimizing Performance

    Discover how to change your life with ten minutes of meditation and Breathwork a day. George will show you an effortless way to meditate, and Jillian will show you how to incorporate ten minutes of Breathwork into your daily life. Learn to use these two practices to stress less and accomplish more. The first half of the session is a talk, the next quarter is technique, and the last quarter is Q&A. (90 mins + Q & A)

  • Maximizing Leadership Potential

    Learrn how to maximize your leaderships physical, mental, emotional, and financial potential. Understand why learning to tune into your inner wisdom is the most underrated quality of a leader and uncover the most effective way to adapt to the demands of the workplace. (90 mins + Q & A)

  • Discovering Your Why

    Without a why, it will be very difficult to keep yourself motivated. You need a "WHY" or a greater sense of purpose to continue performing at the top of your game. This workshop will teach you to discover the tools for uncovering your why and living a more purposeful life. Learn how to find and get clear on your why in each moment. (90 mins + Q & A)

"My corporation brought Nourish in to teach us meditation and Breathwork. And it has drastically improved our employees' work performance and health. Just 10 minutes of meditation and Breathwork daily has decreased stress levels and increased overall productivity."

— Amanda Jennings, Grocery Supermarket Regional Manager

Make your company stand out:

There is a reason the world's top performers, CEOs, and professional athletes prioritize the practices of meditation and breathwork. Discover how these practices increase leadership skills, enhance creative problem-solving, optimize performance, improve sleep, and more.

"A Detroit study took a look at how meditation improved productivity in the workplace. It was found that absenteeism fell by 85%, productivity rose by 120% and injuries dropped by 70%."